Does hairfall and hairloss affects our self-confidence?

hairfall and hairloss

For any woman, a healthy voluminous represents her beauty. It is no less than pride that she carries them on our shoulders right from her birth. No matter how much she cares for them, there comes a point in every women’s life where she goes through hair thinning. This phase can come at any time throughout her life. Some may experience hair loss during any stressful situation, some may witness it during pregnancy or post-pregnancy, or maybe some may encounter it during the onset of old age. Reasons and situations can vary from person to person but the heartache is the same for every woman. 


Witnessing uncountable strands of hair each time you wash or brush your hair in the morning can be a devastating start to the day. Losing its volume and quality with the passing time can definitely seem alarming. Although it occurs to both men and women, the majority of women go through an emotional toll.


Poor self-confidence among women


Self - confidence generally comes from within you are confident enough when it comes to your appearance. Those with self-confidence, tend to value and respect themselves as a person. According to the reports, hair loss has major negative impacts on a person’s self-confidence, and body image. Some can go through depression and restricted social engagement while ending up having any social life further. Overall impacts the quality of life and mental well-being of women.


Ways to deal with hair fall


Save your hair from harmful chemical-infused products


Although using random products for your hair gives you instant pleasure, it can be proven harmful when used in a long term. Your hair is delicate and sensitive to harmful agents like paraben. Ensure to use products that are formulated using non-chemical involvement to have healthy hair throughout life. Follikesh brings to you a wide range of hair care products while ensuring ultimate results, purity, and safety. 


Protect your hair from hard water


Excess involvement of chlorine, metals, calcium, magnesium, sulphates, and bicarbonates in water is considered hard water. When you constantly wash your hair with hard water, these minerals damage the scalp and hair shafts while reducing the natural moisture. It is the main reason why your hair feels rough and tangled after wash. Condition your hair post-wash to repair the hair damage while offering them strength further.


Support hair growth with supplements


Wellness support supplements when taken in addition can do wonders to not only your hair but your skin as well. Try Follikesh Hair Growth Tablets to stimulate hair growth and improve thickness, shine, and texture. This premium range tablet is 100% vegan and formulated using Banana, Brazil nut, Mushroom, and Sunflower seeds.


Onion for hair


Onions are enriched with sulphur, vitamin A, zinc, biotin, iron, and protein. Due to their excellent nourishing and conditioning properties, onions are highly used in the hair care industry. Try using Follikesh onion hair oil and Follikesh onion hair shampoo to obtain the maximum benefit of onion for hair.


Promptly taking steps in protecting your hair while preventing them from being damaged can take you a long way. Do not neglect your healthy hair care routine and choose your hair care products wisely in the future.