Your Ultimate All-Season Hair Care Kit

They say, ‘all we need is love and great hair’. I can’t be agreeing more with this as with growing age, I’ve realized the importance of healthy and incredible hair. The weather has a gruesome impact on our hair. With a slight change in weather, our hair becomes brittle and dull, dry, and frizzy. Switching… Continue reading Your Ultimate All-Season Hair Care Kit

Manjistha – A Hair Rejuvenating Factor

The ancient medical science ‘Ayurveda’ has introduced us to some remarkable natural herbs and plants that offer loads of medicinal and health benefits. One such herb is Manjistha, also known as the Indian Madder. The roots of this plant are ground into powder form for various skin care and hair care purposes. Its anti-inflammatory and… Continue reading Manjistha – A Hair Rejuvenating Factor